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1. Zuo Y, Ren S, Wang M, Liu B, Yang J, Kuai X, Lin C, Zhao D, Tang L, He F. Novel roles of liver sinusoidal endothelial cell lectin in colon carcinoma cell adhesion, migration and in-vivo metastasis to the liver. Gut, 2013;62(8):1169-1178

2. Ren S, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Lui Y, Wei W, Huang X, Mao W, Zuo Y. Targeting P2X7 receptor inhibits the metastatic capability of murine lymphoid neoplasm cell P388D1 to lymph nodes. Cell Biology International, 2010; 34(12):1205-1211

3. Lin C, Ren S, Zhang L, Jin H, Sun J, Zuo Y. Extracellular ATP induces CD44 shedding from macrophage-like P388D1 cell via P2X7 receptor. Hematological Oncology, 2012;30(2):70-75

4. Zhang Y, Zhang J, Lin C, Wei W, Ren S, Zuo Y. Overexpression of ASC in P388D1 murine lymphoma cells affects metastatic properties. Hematological Oncology, 2011;16:62-69

5. Wei W, Zuo Y, Hu Y, Wang L, Jia L, Zhang J. Heparin inhibit P388D1 cells adherence and metastasis to peripheral lymph node in vitro and in vivo. Journal Lymphology, 2009;42(1):10-18

6. Lin C, Chang Y, Zhang Y, Zuo Y, Ren S. Small Duodenal Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Presenting with Acute Bleeding Misdiagnosed as Hemobilia: Two Case Reports. Oncology Letters, 2012; 4(5): 1069-1071

7. Zhang S, Bai J, Ren S, Wang R, Zhang L, Zuo Y. Sodium butyrate restores ASC expression and induces apoptosis in LS174T cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 2012;30(6):1431-1437

8. Zhang Z, Chen K, Yan L, Yang Z, Zhu Z, Chen C, Zeng J, Wei W, Qi X, Ren S, Zuo Y. Low expression of DC-SIGNR in Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and significant correlations with LDH and β2-microglobulin. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 2013; 91(4): 214-220

9. Zhang F, Ren S, Zuo Y. DC-SIGN, DC-SIGNR and LSECtin: C-Type Lectins for Infection. International Reviews of Immunology, 2014;33:54-66

10. Chen K, Zhang Z, Zuo Y, Ren S. Comparison of the clinical outcomes of laparoscopic‑assisted versus open surgery for colorectal cancer. Oncology Letters, 2014;7:1213-1218

11. Kong F, Tong R, Jia L, Wei W, Miao X, Zhao X, Sun W, Yang G, Zhao C*.OVCA1 inhibits the proliferation of epithelial ovarian cancer cells by decreasing cyclin D1 and increasing p16. Mol Cell Biochem. 2011, 354(1-2):199-205

12 .孔繁鬥, 劉 麗, 魏 巍, 趙心宇, 苗小豔, 趙春豔*.抑癌基因OVCA1體外對卵巢癌細胞A2780遷移和侵潤的抑制作用. 中國腫瘤生物治療雜志. 2008, 15(4):351-355

13. 孔繁鬥, 賈琳钰, 趙春豔*.人VOCA1基因的克隆及其對卵巢癌細胞生長的抑制作用. 國際檢驗醫學雜志. 2011, 32(16):1805-1806

14. Huang X, Li Y, Zhang J, Xu Y, Tian Y, and Ma K*. Ganglioside GM3 Inhibits Hepatoma Cell Motility via Down-Regulating Activity of EGFR and PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway, Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 114:1616–1624, 2013.

15. Ying Li, Xiaohua Huang, Weiliang Zhong, Jianing Zhang, Keli Ma*. Ganglioside GM3 promotes HGF stimulated motility of murine hepatomacell through enhanced phosphorylation of cMet at specific tyrosine sites and PI3K/ Akt-mediated migration signaling. Mol Cell Biochem. 382:83-92, 2013.

16. Ying Li, Xiaohua Huang, Qiaoshu, Keli Ma*. Phosphorylation of cMet tyrosine residues in murine ascitic hepatic cancer cell lines with different lymph node metastatic potentials, Mol Medicine Reports. 8: 655-661, 2013.

17. Xiaohua Huang, Jiliang Hu, Ying Li, Zara Zhuyun Yang, Hongmei Zhu, Lei Zhou, Keli Ma, Melitta Schachner, Zhicheng Xiao*, Yali Li*. The cell adhesion molecule L1 regulates the expression of FGF21 and enhances neurite outgrowth, Brain Research. 1530: 13-21, 2013.

18. Ying Li, Xiaohua Huang, Yue An, Feng Ren, Zara Zhuyun Yang, Hongmei Zhu, Lei Zhou, Xiaowen He, Melitta Schachner, Zhicheng Xiao*, Keli Ma*, Yali Li*. Cell recognition molecule L1 promotes embryonic stem cell differentiation through the regulation of cell surface glycosylation, BBRC. 440: 405–412, 2013.

19. Ying Li, Xiaohua Huang, Jianing Zhang, Yuzhong Li, Keli Ma*. Synergistic inhibition of cell migration by tetraspanin CD82 andgangliosides occurs via the EGFR or cMet-activated Pl3K/Aktsignalling pathway, Int J Biochem Cell. 45: 2349-2358, 2013.


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